What is the Soul ???
The soul is the everlasting container for the spirit,
The soul manifests itself by expressing attitudes, and so identifies it's position before God, because the attitudes are expressing it's character. The Bible and many Christians often refers to this (attitudes) as " heart ".
When the spirit is in control ( of the body ), the characteristics expressed by the Soul are like those of God, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control . This is a clear indication, according to Gal 5:22 that man has submitted his spirit and body to God and the Holy Spirit is in control.
Knowing the Soul is the everlasting container of man's spirit, one should realize the importance of Everlasting Life rather than Eternal Punishment. No re-incarnation and second chance has ever been suggested to man by God, and in fact His Word is quite clear regarding this !
The poor attitudes, characteristics of the soul, that will cause the Eternal Suffering of itself and the spirit which it contains, can be restored by making a decision and beginning to Focus on Jesus, His teachings, His examples.
The apostle Paul knew this...he was transformed from being a vigorous persecuter of Christians, to one who was used mightily by God in establishing the early church.