Believe.... John 3:16
Do you really believe ???
Believing in God, has been an attitude of Man, since the beginning of time,
and believing in Jesus as God's presence on Earth, has continued for nearly 2000 years.
It is reasonable to assume that Adam taught his children about his experiences with God,
and that others continued through out following generations, causing them also to believe in God
Furthermore, Man has an 'inborn' understanding and belief that God exists
" For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts" Rom 1:19 TLB
But does this belief result in the benefits described in John 3:16 ??
" For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" Jn 3:16 NIV
Not always...
Satan himself has this belief, and the Bible tells us he is ultimately destroyed,
and has no Salvation
" But I believe in Jesus " , you say...
But do you really believe ??
Jesus is recorded in John 3: 15 and 16 as telling Nicodemus he must believe, in order to have eternal life ......and you may rely on Jn 3:16 for your salvation....
but taken literally, out of the context of all of that Jesus taught,
may be hazardous to your (spiritual) health,
and your salvation.
Jesus is recorded later by John as saying to Martha
" anyone who lives and believes in me shall never die " Jn 11:26 NIV
so we can see He expects us to live in His ways, as well as believe
James , the Lord's brother was more direct..
" Fool, when will you ever learn that 'believing' is useless without doing what God wants you to ? "
Jas 2:20 TLB
Salvation is a FREE GIFT from God...
you can never do enough to deserve His Mercy, or His Forgiveness...
but still you must be doing good deeds as you are expected. 1Jn 5:3 1 Jn 3:10,11
But salvation will not be obtained because you do good to others,
if you refuse to learn to Love God, Mt 22:37,39....
....Love your neighbor, and .... Love your Christian Brother Jn15:12,17...
for it is these 3 that were commanded by the Lord Jesus.
You may already be living as God would want you to be...doing good to show your love,
and feel secure in your salvation....
( remember Nicodemus )
But do you really believe ??
Perhaps a look at a Webster's Dictionary will provide a renewed perspective...
true ' belief ' is " having trust or confidence in some person "
it is NOT just " mental acceptance "
The Old English root of the word 'believe' is "leof" ( love)
which is akin to 'dear' and 'love' , and indicates a close, personal, connection...
'believing' in the Biblical sense involves a loving endearment with God in trust and obedience
Now, with an understanding of the root of the word ' believe' ,
it should be obvious there is a difference between just " believing" ,.....
....and " living and believing in Jesus "
which is what Jesus desires of Christians
Now is the time to rekindle your love for Jesus,
( loving Him means obeying Him )
and know that yes, you really believe !!!
(c) 2003 focus on